Married and engaged Couples, please join us on the 1st Tuesday at 6:30 of every month for Couple’s Bible Study.
Senior Saints 55 years old and above, we would like to invite you to a special Bible study just for you on 1st Saturdays at 9:30am. All ages are welcome to support and encourage our seniors.
Men of God, please join us for our monthly Men’s Ministry Bible Study every 2nd Tuesday at 6:30pm! Bring a dish to share and invite a friend.
Are you in need of food or prayer? USDA Food and Goods Distribution every 3rd Saturday at 11am-1pm. Free Lunch served while supplies last.
ATTN WOMEN!!! Please join us for our monthly Women’s Ministry Bible Study every 4th Tuesday at 6:30pm! Bring a dish and bring a friend.
Join us on Fourth Wednesdays for Youth Bible Study. ALL ages are invited to enjoy the lessons and support our youth. Live in person and on Facebook, Youtube, and our website!